Hedreich Nichols

On Top of the World

Photo Credit: Anita Porché Garcia Photography

You know that feeling when you’ve hiked up a mountain and you can see clearly for a gazillion miles in all directions? Or maybe the feeling of finally finding your inhaler and being able to breathe freely? If not, you still know where this is going, right? This. Is. That. Place. After doing the phoenix-rebuild, slowly over the last 7 years, I’ve finally gotten to That Place. There have been many celebratory highs over the last almost decade, but all have pointed to higher mountains to be climbed. This time, I can rest on my laurels, at least for a minute!

Introducing Hedreich Nichols, semi-retired musician, 6th grade technology teacher and recent Texas A&M MEd graduate (with a 4.0, no less)! This is where I’d like to insert the Bruno Mars Kiss Myself meme. There is just no way to put, jumpin’-up-and-down-thanking-God/Carlton-dance-to-“Happy”-playing-in-my-head/seeing-Michael-Jackson-Live/dog-rolling-in-grass/Spock-not-being-deaddead-in-III elation, in a sentence. Suffice it to say,  I’m really, really excited and grateful!