Hedreich Nichols

Teach Your Children Well

There are many reasons to teach. Some teachers love content. That’s teacherspeak for the subject matter. When you love history and math, teaching is a great option. Some teachers extend their parenting time by helping to shape the lives of other children. Some of us do it because of the excellent pay,  lack of bureaucracy and the endless opportunity for professional development. Ok, probably not that. But maybe there will even be a flood of new teachers who join this noble profession for the free weapons and tactical trainings coming to a school near you. Whatever the reasons, almost all of us live for those moments when we know we’ve made a difference in a student’s life. That email (from a fellow teacher, no less!) letting me know that her son finally loved to come to school, never had so many friends and feels “seen”, was one of those moments. Feeling warm and fuzzy now? I am.