Teach Your Children Well II

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This has been a stellar year for teaching the children well. In addition to joining the staff of an IB school immediately after my graduation from Texas A&M, I watched my “personal kid” (teacherspeak for the ones in your home vs. the ones in your class) grow into a professional bassist. After playing a gig with me in at the Lihn in Switzerland, I watched this young man develop relationships and talent at both UTA Sumer Strings and UTA Jazz Camp. After subbing in various settings in the FDW area, he has now put these talents to use in the youth service at The Potters House Ft. Worth as part of the Firehouse band. That makes my son the FIFTH generation church staff musician. Additionally, this past Sunday, he helped at the voters registration table while I registered to become a voter registrar. Voting is something he can’t do yet, but he’s already doing his part (btw, you can register using that link in 37 states, plus DC). I am teaching my children well. I am raising a child who works for what he believes in. That is a fine legacy, and I couldn’t be prouder.

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