Hedreich Nichols


The same excitement that Hedreich brings to the stage hung in the air on Glarus for the Workshop day with the Glarner Inspirational Singers. The special atmosphere of the historic Soldenhofsaal over the city Library added to the spirit of the day. In preparation for their first CD as well as numerous engagements in the second half of the year the Glarner Inspirational Singers honed a few of the more difficult a capella pieces and worked on a couple of new songs for the 2007 season. Hedreich with her usual exuberance and learning is fun attitude made the day a memorable one for all.

And continuing with Workshops, Hedreich will be again doing the musical part of the project week at the Sportschule Glarus, a private school for gifted atheletes. The students, who have widely varying schedules in order to accommodate diverse competition and training programs, ban together for a week of work and fun in the name of school spirit. Since in 2006 Hedreich helped the students write and “produce” it’s first CD, a school Rap, expectations will be high. Hedreich hopes to satisfy both faculty and student body with this year’s program. After that the project week with her students at MPS Leutschen promises to be an interesting one. Together they will examine the popularity of styles like “Death Metal” and “Gangsta Rap” and it’s implication on larger society. If you’re interested in putting together a project like this for your school, contact Hedreich. Working with young people is one of her great passions.