Hedreich Nichols



If women are good at multi-tasking then Hedreich is definitely one of the pros. In addition to finishing up the CD project, preparing for the Inspritational Singers’ November 22nd annual concert and working on repertoirs for 3 other upcoming performances, Hedreich is looking into the future, planning the CD launch and a couple of other gigs hopefully in a neighborhood near you. As a matter of fact, if your neighborhood happens to be in Basel, come on out to Tibiz this Saturday where Hedreich will be special guest along with Nubya, Guitarist Randy Müller and “da man” on the keys, Greg Galli. It starts at 9PM and if we’re lucky, there’ll be no police action. In the meantime, for all the up to the minute updates join Hedreich’s Facebook fansite. All music, all the time!

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One Singer Under Many Groovy Hats

In addition to doing the endspurt boogie on her upcoming album, Hedreich has spent the month playing aunt, teacher, surrogate mom, godmom, drummer, nurse, as well as a host of other varied and interesting stuff. All that in a month having 3 vacation weeks! But the work is paying off. Fans will be glad to know that the sound coming out of Soundcheck studio is exceptional, a Hedreich you know but like you’ve heard her before. Hmmm, what does that mean? Welllll, buy the CD and find out! It’s due out about the time the first snowdrops push up through last of the the mountain snow. Oh, and if you’re in Basel on November 14th, stop by Tibiz. We’re trying to do the gig again–this time without police intervention!

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Back in the studio…

…or shall we say studios. Tomorrow it’s back to the studio with Gölä and band to do some background vocals. And on Saturday it’s back to Soundcheck studios. Time now for our artist to get into the recording phase of next year’s solo project. Track 1 is on it’s way to being finished and the second is underway. Curious? Stop back by for the full report or follow Hedreich on Twitter to keep up with the latest signifigant–or not so signifigant–happenings.

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