Small Bites Friday Five 2-12-21
20-30m – Explore the resources for teaching media literacy with these non-partisan Civics Renewal Network resources for 6-12. Choose one to use in your next class.
15-20m – Research the critical thinking standards for your content in your state. Teaching civic responsibility, citizenship, communication and critical thinking are connected to every content.
10-15m – Use this resource from Discovering Justice to help you teach principles of community and fairness to your K-5 students. There are also resources there for older students.
5-10m – If you have littles, or older kids with a sense of humor, use Sesame Street videos like these to ease into topics like conflict, feelings or social responsibility. Talk in general about what types of behaviors are not ok and how those behaviors are wrong even if someone we respect is doing them.
0-5m – Use 60 Second Civics for yourself or with your upper grade level students.
Please use this week to read or re-read last week’s blog. Teaching civic responsibility is not political, it’s our duty. Take a closer look at the resources, and I will be watching my Twitter and Insta DMs for any questions you might have.