All’s Well That Ends Well

Sometimes you start out on a path that leads you to absolutely nowhere you want to be. While at Balikfarm studio acting as vocal coach and poetry police, Hedreich found herself in a front row seat for the “big story” du jour. In one day Gölä killed the studio project that wasn’t happening and quit Musicstar, the Swiss version of American Idol. Almost simultaneously Hedreich decided to cancel the planned recording of “Listen”. “Recording “Listen” would have been a wonderful tribute to a great performance moment but Beyonce already did it so well… so for those who were hoping to buy it as a single, I hope you’ll be just as excited to get my next CD.” Hedreich’s singer/songwriter self is growing, evolving. And one thing is for sure. Just like the Bernese working man, if it ain’t working, she’ll back up and take off in a better direction.

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