Hedreich Nichols


Ein Neues Jahr mit vielen neuen Anfängen

Was für ein Jahr 2010 doch war! Mit so vielen Highlights – die Veröffentlichung von Time Now, eine Single in den höchsten Rängen des SF Votings, die Einbindung von meinen Kompositionen in verschiedenen TV Sendungen – jetzt wieder von ganze vorne zu beginnen scheint wirklich schwierig. Das heisst, es wäre es vielleicht, wenn 2011 nicht schon in vollem Gang wäre. Dieses Jahr wird der Schwerpunkt etwas mehr auf Ausbildung gelegt und so wird ‘Hedreich, die Lehrerin’ wird vermehrt vor der Wandtafel zu finden sein. Mehr dazu aber etwas später in diesem Jahr. Und was den Schwerpunkt auf der Performance-Seite betrifft, so setzt der diesjährige Auftakt mit “Hedreich and the Boyz” im Zürcher Bohemia die Massstäbe. Falls ihr nicht selber dabei sein könnt, stellt doch Zürisee oder DRS ein oder besucht wrsp936.com. Ihr werdet “unser Lied” bestimmt im Radio hören.

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“Song About…” @ #1!

And the big news is…“Song About…” has made it to the number one spot on SFtv’s Roboclip! If you haven’t yet seen it, stop by and let yourself get carried away by the hot mix of Latin and Hip Hop grooves. And here, a few of the lyrics for those who’d like to try and guess what the song really is all about… “Why do I come home late just to turn you on/Why do I need you at the break of dawn/Why do I have to have you/Before my morning coffee grab you/open you up to me…” Post your answers on the facebook fanpage if you think you know the answer. Of course, if you are privy to the information from another source–don’t spoil all the fun by posting the answer.

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The three Ss

Sagibeiz, “Song About…” and standing ovation are the words of the day. First, the Sagibeiz concert was sensational! Greg Galli, Jost Müller and Randy Müller put a perfect live spin on Time Now and Hedreich was, as usual, in top form. To keep it fresh, Hedreich and the Boyz debuted two hot-off-the-press tunes much to the delight of the moving and grooving crowd who rewarded one of Switzerland’s best live acts with not one but two standing ovations!

On the video front, “Song About…” has made the transition to tv –did you see it?! If you haven’t, here’s your chance to watch now . And to keep it in SFtv’s top 20, vote now!
And if you haven’t yet fugured out what “Song About…” really is about, drop back by hedreich.com in the next few days to get the answer!

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“Song About…” at number 15!!

“Song About…” closed yesterday in the SF tv’s Roboclip top twenty–an amazing performance for a new video from a “new” artist in it’s first week! If you haven’t seen it yet, have a look and share it with your friends. And if you want to see it live, come on out to Murg, SG’s historic Sagibeiz tomorrow night. Hedreich and the Boyz –Greg Galli on keys, Randy Müller on guitar and Jost Müller on cajon–will be heating up the cool autumn night!

“Song About…” at number 15!! Read More »

SF tv, Sagibeiz and more

If this week’s highlight was trading Time Now with Tanya Dankner for Somewhere, playing Time Now Thursday on the lake at the historic Sagibeiz will definitely be next week’s crème de la crème. Hedreich will be previewing a couple of hot-off-the-press compositions which will have you waiting for bated breath for her next recording. And if you just can’t make get out to experience it live, watch the “Song About…” video on Swiss tv’s Roboclip and vote. Can we turn it into a top 10 hit? Yes We Can, with YOUR help!

SF tv, Sagibeiz and more Read More »