Hedreich Nichols


Seasons Change

Chris n clownie in herbstwaldAs you know, there have ben a lot of things in the air. Some balls have dropped, some are still spinning mid-air. One thing’s for sure: THIS season is coming to a championship ending! I played hard, had a lot of wins and I can almost see the view from the mountain top! As with all games, there is a lag time between the season’s end and the championship game. I’m still waiting on that one and when it gets here, I’ll tell ya aaaaallllll about it. Meanwhile, time to enjoy fall’s color concerto. To get you started, here’s my all-time favorite autumn picture.

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We Are the Champions

hed faking hockeyEvery four years, the Olympic spirit always infuses me with a special kind of inspiration. I inevitably end up skiing or ice-skating, undaunted by my–ahem–very marginal talent on any slippery surface. Watching this year’s Olympics with my own progeny, I am somehow transported to my grandmother’s living room. Listening as my great-grandmother, born in 1893, scoffed at the briefness of the ladies’ costumes, we watched the ‘thrill of victory, the agony of defeat’ –and some really inspiring commercials. Now, while listening to the fatherly voice of Morgan Freeman, I reflect on victory, defeat and “my everywhere”. Not only did this month find me on the ice NOT falling on my keester, it finds me going for my personal best. Back in school, singing, teaching and nurturing an active, always-hungry male tween, I am at the top of my game. I have to be. The investment thus far leaves me with only one option: WIN! Yes, sometimes there is incredible pressure and there are of course setbacks. But KNOWING that I’m going for a win keeps me focused and on track. Much better than being #everywhere, I am right here, right now, in the moment, with a path as clearly marked as the downhill run. Best part is, I know that getting there is not half the fun, it isthe fun. So at the end of each day am thankful for my victories, wiser for my setbacks and overjoyed to know that I don’t have to wait 4 years to go for gold all over again.

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