Hedreich Nichols


Forever Young

birthday 2014 aunt JeanI remember being 8. I never thought my birthday and Christmas would “never come”. I never thought about them at all. Time would creep by without my knowing. The year was always full with friends, family, school, performances, summer vacation and days of playing outside till the street lights came on. Suddenly, Thanksgiving would come and with it the first appearances of the Signs Of Christmas. (For my younger readers, there was a time when Halloween did not ring in the Christmas Season.) From that moment on I could not WAIT for My Birthday. Not a lot has changed. I still love My Birthday and wait anxiously for it. This has been a great year after a few really rough ones. Seasons really do change and feeling the warmth of Springtime after a long, hard winter has been amazing! I celebrated my birthday at a ladies’ tea with women who have provided immeasurable support throughout this incredible journey we call life. While my Swissters couldn’t get here and a few key players were missing, the women there reminded me of my connectedness. They reminded me that the only child with neither mother nor father is not alone but a part of a larger circle of love. My birthday was a celebration of life, survival, love and the wonderful thing that happens when friendships blossom and deepen! Those connections affirm that he who walks in the light of love is truly forever young. Happy Springtime, Happy Birthday, Hedreich!

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Mama’s Got a Brand New Bag

VisageHello 2014!

It’s been a helluva last 5 years.In 2008 I had the house, the car, the career and the family when a shocking call from a doctor blew it all to bits. The ensuing 5 year traumagedy easily rivaled Shakespeare and almost got me a box seat in a little blue room.

Now, 1 down-to-there weave, husband and Swiss village dream house lighter, my life is open road to a peaceful future filled with whatever I choose. Now, if I’m honest, there are days when that road has felt more like a stony, pothole filled road to who-knows-ville. But as O says, what I know for sure is that once grieving for the past is done, embracing change can be a beautiful thing. It’s like getting a blank canvas. Well, maybe not blank, more liked erased, which is better than blank. All that water under the bridge, those tested and discarded colors and brushstrokes can now be recycled, reused and re-invented to make something fresh and new. I take pride in the picture that’s starting to emerge. I don’t know if I’m “faster than a speeding bullet or more powerful than a locomotive” But I am blessed to be able to gather speed and fly, the world mine for the taking! Or retaking. So watch out y’all, ’cause mama’s definitely got a brand new bag!

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