Inspirational Singers – CD launch party
Inspirational Singers – CD launch party Read More »
Inspirational Singers – CD launch party Read More »
After the first all-nighter of the year, our Artist enjoyed a couple of bars of rests before gearing up for the 2008 Art on Ice performances, again with Gary and an international band including Swiss vocalist Lesley Bogart. “Working with Lesley was something I really enjoyed at last year’s Art on Ice so I was really looking forward to singing with her this time,” recalls Hedreich.
This year began in snowy luxury at the 5 Star Arlberg Hospiz in Austria. The sounds coming off the stage were so hot they could have transformed St. Christoph’s winter wonderland into a Jamaican “get-your-groove-back” beach party. The Gary Scott band featuring Hedreich on vocals kept the dance floor full as the Austrian glitterati partied in ball gowns and cutaways until the wee hours.
After the Bublé excitement, Hedreich finally had time to turn around at least twice before the Inspirational Singers had its annual concert. The Oberurner church was filled to capacity with a warm and lively audience who sang, clapped and enjoyed a gospelly start to the Christmas Season. By the time the standing ovation died down, the choir was already on the road, taking the Christmas spirit to Zürich. The indoor/outdoor private performance for Zurich AXA at the trendy Blaue Ente was an absolute Triumph.
By the time the contest results were posted, our Artist’s phone was already ringing. It seemed Michael Bublé needed singers at the last minute for the concert in Hallenstadion. So after spending about 3 days working on the music on October 29th Hedreich appeared together with Naturally 7 and Michael Bublé in Zurich. “The Canadian orchestra was crazy swinging and the audience was incredible, much different from the usually reserved Zurich audience,” comments Hedreich on what she deems one of 2007’s best concerts.
While putting a polish and shine on the Inspirational Singers CD, Hedreich got the call that the planned January Gölä studio session would be moved up to October. So while mixing one CD Hedreich found herself simultaneously working on music for the new project due out in Spring, once again doing vocal arrangements and singing as well. Word has it that it is still Rock and Roll and it is in English.
Studio time with Gölä Read More »
No sooner than the vocals were on the reel, the Inspirational Singers were off to romantic Solothun where they won one for “Fridolin” at the National Swiss Choir Contest. Receiving once again top marks–rank “VERY GOOD”– in a competition that featured the finest choirs in the land was a special honor for this seasoned choir, founded by Hedreich and now going into its’ 10th year. The only modern music choir in a wholly classical setting, they were even chosen to perform before the general assembly at the closing ceremony.
Top marks at the National Swiss Choir Contest Read More »
Wasn’t there just something on here about singing on Italian beaches? And just where did the lazy days of summer go? Whitney Houston’s once popular “All At Once” describes perfectly the last 2 months. As school started with the usual pitter patter of toddler sensibilities walking in grown-up shoes (Ahhh Jr. High, ya gotta love it!), our Artist was busily working with the Inspirational Singers on their first CD, recorded live in front of a full house in late September. “It was an amazing performance, particularly considering the number of personnel changes the choir went through just before the recording!”
Did you hear her?? Singing on the beach? Summer did find our artist singing on the sandy shores of Tuscany, but it was more like autumn’s blues after losing her Mother-in-law (she was the last grandparent) in early July.
Summer / Live Earth Read More »